Friday, 13 March 2009

Where have all my blog friends gone?

Back in the days I was blogging (and used to be D Best .. hehe.. ) there used to be a lot of blogs I used to read as well.. not one of them were in the general category.. no wait there were some in the general category as well.. I kept it 'cos I loved to hate it..

Anyway, it just so happens that if you happen to write personal weblogs, blogs, bullshit, you don't keep at it for long.. and I think the reason is that (ironically) its personal (by defn). If its personal then you don't want anyone to know.. if you want people to know its not personal. That should explain why I have a gazillion of those personal blogs in my subscriptions and none of them get updated. No one wants to share personal lives with anyone.. not for long.

They will come back once in a while to see how things are online.. they will see, in some cases, they will try to start again, but it will fail and they will return to their shell.

They are treasures. They will not be shared.


Elixir said...

naah. it isnt about not sharing ur personal life. its jus about getting over things i guess... its like being in a relationship. there is only so much you can sigh and look dreamy and post breakup there is only so much u can sigh and look miserable... :D

SmartOxymoron said...

I'll take old 'lix's comment as an excuse to go listen to Misery one more time.

I am in misery
There ain't no other
Who can comfort me
Why won't you answer me?
Your silence is slowly killing me

Oops, almost missed the sigh-

